
Time Cannot Erase Chapter 24

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

Would you tremble,
if I touched your lips?
Would you laugh?
Oh please tell me this
Now would you die,
for the one you love?
Hold me in your arms, tonight

I can be your hero, baby
I can kiss away the pain
I will stand by you forever
You can take my breath away

I can be your hero
~Enrique Iglesias “Hero”

Chapter 24
The Battle Begins

It was late morning when Link and the Sages passed the borders of Aritia, tearing across the planes at top speed, desperately trying to reach Marth’s castle in time. This was it: the final day. Link had to face Marth this day. It was inevitable.

When at last the towering castle finally came into view the sun had reached its zenith and had already begun to descend. As the castle drew nearer Link began to pull back on his reins, slowing his horse slightly.

“Where do we go from here?” Impa asked, slowing beside him.

“We will stay here,” Link said calmly, “and wait.”

“He will come to us?” Ruto queried.

“Yes,” was the simple reply. Link was gazing at the castle with a pensive expression. Anticipation, uncertainty, and anger filled him as he looked at the towers and pondered what was going on inside, and what was to come.

Link and the Sages stood in the field waiting as the sun grew lower in the sky, the sky graduating from pale blue to an extensive golden sheen. The air was still and the field took on an ominous silence.

Every eye was fixed upon Marth’s castle which stood still and lifeless in the distance. No movement had been seen in or around it for hours. Somehow this absence of threat was more nerve wracking than if the castle had been teaming in soldiers. The silence was maddening: the stillness menacing.

All at once there was an echoing CLANG and Link could see the portcullis of Marth’s castle spring to life- slowly rising. Every creak of the chains seemed magnified over the silence of the field as the gate opened, and Marth’s army began to emerge.

Link could see Marth’s sturdy figure leading the group atop a large Sorrel stallion leading the charge. Beside him rode another familiar figure- small, slender and graceful, Zelda was riding a black mare, its gleaming coat shimmering like ebony in the sunlight.

Link tightened his grip on the Master Sword and placed his free hand on the blade of his own sword. He tensed, awaiting the imminent confrontation.

Marth’s band slowly came to a stop before them. Marth himself looked down on Link and, upon seeing the Master Sword, broke into a triumphant smile.

Link, however, was focused on Zelda.

Something was not right.

She looked so calm… too calm. She was clad in gleaming silver and blue armor with a slender, curved sword at her side, she looked ready for battle. This was not what Link had expected.

What had he expected to find? Zelda bound and restrained, scared and helpless, or even angry with her captors? She would smile at him and exclaim her joy that he had come to rescue her.

Whatever he had expected, it was not to see Zelda riding freely with an utterly calm look on her face.

“Is that it, Marth?” she asked, looking at him. To Link’s horror she smiled at Marth: a bright, kind smile.

“Yes,” Marth replied, and then he looked at Link. “Give it to me, as agreed.”

“No!” a frantic cry ripped through the tension and ever head turned to see who had shouted. Link looked out and saw a rider coming up fast, tearing through the crowd towards them. He quickly recognized it as Elice, her brilliant eyes flashing, her hair whipping behind her in the wind.

Her horse thundered up to them, stopping at the last instant. Elice caught Link’s eye, looking at him with mingled longing, fury and terror. “Don’t do it, Link, it is a trap!”

“Elice!” Marth cried, turning to her as her horse neared and she came to a stop between Marth and Link. “Stay back!”

“No!” she cried. “I won’t let you do this!”

“You are out of line!” Marth growled.

“And you have lost your mind!” she snarled back. “I will not let this happen!”

“Link!” Marth spurred his horse past his sister and approached Link once more. “You know my terms! You must deliver!”

“Link, no!” Elice screamed as beside her Roy glared, his gaze passing back and forth between Link and Elice, as though he wasn’t sure which one he was angrier with.

“It is your decision, Link!” Marth yelled. “The Sword or the Princess!”

Behind him Link could sense the Sages stirring. Elice pleaded with him incessantly. Zelda sat upon her horse just yards away, watching the situation in confusion.

“Make your choice!” Marth demanded, and his hand shot in the air. Instantly every one of his soldiers drew a bow and arrow and pointed them at various targets, from Zelda to Link himself to the Sages.

Link stifled his uncertainty, his fear and his fury and dismounted his horse. He stepped forward, and in and instant the Master Sword was being extended. Without a word Link handed the Sword to Marth.

“For Zelda,” he thought over again, “for Zelda’s sake.”

Marth took the blade into his hands and lifted it above his head. A cheer, so loud it shook the ground beneath them, rose up from his army.

Zelda was beaming at him. She had not so much as looked Link in the eyes since she had arrived.

Link could barely contain himself. Quickly filling with rage, he glared at Marth with all the power he possessed.

“Marth! What have you done to her?” He shouted, unsheathing his spare blade. When Marth did not reply Link demanded once more, “Tell me what you’ve done to her!”

“My good friend,” he replied calmly, “I have done nothing to her. I would not harm the woman I love.”

Link was steadily becoming a deep shade of red. He was visibly shaking now. He felt a hand come down softly on his arm, steadying him. It was Saria, and she too looked worried as she gazed up at Zelda.

“You will set her free,” Link growled, “as agreed.”

“She is free to go as she pleases,” Marth replied, not taking his steely gaze away from Link for a moment.

Link turned to Zelda and instantly his expression softened and his voice was calm, “Zelda, come with us… let’s go home.”

Zelda looked down at him with surprise, as though she didn’t expect him to address her, and didn’t really understand the comment he had made.

“Excuse me?” She asked with a puzzled expression.

“Zelda,” Link pleaded, his mouth gaping open.

“How do you know me?” Zelda asked. When Link simply stared at her in horror she looked to Marth for an answer.

“You said you would return her. I gave you the Master Sword! You promised-“ Link shouted. Behind him, Darunia was pounding the ground furiously. Saria and Ruto looked flabbergasted. Impa’s expression, as always, was hidden in shadow, but it was clear she was displeased. Nabooru had taken out her blade and was looking around as though searching for an excuse to start a fight.

“I promised she would be free to go,” Marth corrected Link. “She is free to go.”

“Marth, what is this all about?” Zelda queried, looked worried.

“They want you to return with them,” Marth told her. “Do you wish to go with them?”

“What?!” Zelda replied, still looking confused. “No.”

“You see?” Marth replied amiably, the turned to his army. “It appears that we are finished here. Come, let us-“ but Marth did not finish his sentence. Link had leapt off the ground and swiftly knocked Marth from his horse. The two toppled to the ground but quickly found their footing. In an instant, blades were flashing and pandemonium broke loose.

The moment Link attacked their Captain and future King, Marth’s men went into a rage, assaulting Link and his comrades from every direction. The Sages immediately went on the offensive, attacking any of Marth’s men who came near them. Though they outnumbered Link’s company by one hundred to one, Marth’s army was not prepared for the power the Sages possessed.

One thought seemed to come over the Sages: rescue the Princess. Nabooru, fighting with a blade in each hand and not even breaking a sweat, was leaving a path of fallen men behind her as she quickly made her way towards Princess Zelda.

Twelve men had encircled Impa and rushed her with blades. In the blink of an eye she vanished, leaving nothing behind but a cloud of smoke. Instantly she would reappear, attack with lightning speed and vanish once more. She was vanishing and appearing so quickly she could hardly be seen. Soldiers were dropping like flies, being kicked, punched and attacked by a seemingly invisible foe.

Saria, being small and appearing rather helpless, was not taken as a very serious threat. One soldier, nearly three times her height, came at her. With a laugh, he put his hand out as though to grab her, but she was too quick. In a flash her Ocarina was out and Saria’s song was ringing through the air. As the soldier neared her he began to stumble and sway. Befuddled by the song, he fell almost instantly to the ground, unconscious. Soon Saria was in the middle of a growing circle of fallen soldiers, all knocked out cold before they knew what had hit them.

Darunia was far less subtle. He was crushing boulders into smaller rocks and hurling them into the army, knocking men out left and right. With one sweeping punch he took out five soldiers. Soon men were fleeing from his path in an attempt to save themselves from his fury.

Ruto, using her razor sharp fins as blades, was a force to be reckoned with in her own right. She was fast and quick minded and none stood a chance against her. Zelda had once saved her life, and she was bent on repaying that debt.

Nothing, however, could rival the blade to blade battle of Marth and Link.

Like poison in his veins pure, unadulterated hatred was flowing through Link and every bit of his aggression was coming out on his opponent. Madness had taken them both. Link hurled himself at Marth as the two fought like mad dogs.

“I know you did something to her!” Link shouted between blows.

“I told you,” Marth panted. He took back the offensive momentarily. “I have done nothing to her! I thought I would have to get her to stay here through my charm alone. Much to my surprise, as soon as we arrived here she started to forget you. She started to forget Hyrule. She truly believes she belongs here. She does belong here.” Link regained the offensive position and now it was Marth who was being bared down upon.

“You’re lying!” Link replied. He couldn’t accept the fact that she had forgotten him completely. It was too horrible to even entertain, though he knew in his heart it was true.

“I am not a liar. I have no power over her mind. She is too strong. You know that!”

Marth and Link locked blades and stood stuck, each fighting to take the advantage.

“She started believing this was her home and that it always had been. She started being happy- happier than I had ever seen her in Hyrule. She’s happier here, she’s better off not remembering Hyrule. She’s better off without you!”

Link stopped for half an instant, stung, but his shock quickly burst into greater rage, and like a wild beast he growled and threw himself at Marth with renewed venom.

Zelda sat upon her horse, surveying the chaos around her. She had lost sight of Marth and was trying desperately to find him in the madness of the battle. Anxiously, she dismounted and unsheathed her sword.

She pushed her way through the chaos, searching every face. Out of nowhere a hand came down on her shoulder and she turned with a start.

“Princess,” Impa spoke as she grasped Zelda’s arm and stared into her eyes. “Let’s go.”

“Unhand me!” Zelda cried, swinging her blade. Impa jumped back quickly to avoid being caught by her swipe.

“Princess!” Impa pleaded again. By now all five Sages had broken free of battle and were surrounding Zelda.

“Stay back,” Zelda called. “I don’t want to hurt you!” Darunia chose that inopportune moment come behind her and place both hands on her shoulders to calm her. Darunia’s size being rather imposing and his grip being firm, Zelda’s first impression was that she was being throttled.  Instinct took over and she turned and attacked without thought. The blade struck Darunia across the entire width of his stomach, but, as Goron skin is as thick and impenetrable as the rocks they eat, no damage was done.

Darunia simply laughed, his huge, deep, booming laugh, “Careful there, Princess. You might hurt someone with that.” He put his hands out to steady her blade. Thinking, once again, he was attacking, Zelda forsake more conventional weaponry and fought back with magic. Zelda’s blast hit Darunia hard, and he sprawled to the ground.

“Darunia!” Saria cried and all five Sages ran forward, some towards Darunia, some towards Zelda herself. She had seen them in battle destroying Marth’s men- her fellow Aritians- and now they had come for her.

In Zelda’s eyes this was it. She had no choice but to protect herself, and so she attacked- an all out strike of power on her friends.

The tall thin one was rushing at her, her bladelike fins bared. Gasping, Zelda jumped back, preparing for the attack. With a swish of her arms an invisible force field shot from her hands. Like a rushing wind it hit Ruto who went flying backward onto the ground. Saria shrieked and rushed to her side.

Impa knew now that the situation was much more serious than she had anticipated. She had to stop Zelda before any more damage was done.

“Take her down, but do not harm her. Just restrain her!” Impa commanded the remaining Sages.

Zelda had lost no time, however. With a wave of her hand she encased Ruto and Saria in a dome of light then turned to the remaining three.

A look of remorse in her eyes Nabooru lunged at Zelda, hoping to take her out quickly before anyone else got hurt. Zelda’s blade was out instantly. The two collided and swords flashed. Zelda’s swordplay could not rival Nabooru’s, however, so she quickly resorted to magic.

Naboooru found herself dodging a massive fireball which was hurtling through the air towards her. She ducked with a scream, and the inferno sailed over her head and hit Darunia, who was caught quite off guard. He hit the ground, causing it to shake violently.

Zelda waved her arm and his massive body lifted from the dirt. With another wave he went sailing, smashing into Nabooru. A strangled cry escaped her lips, cut short as Darunia’s massive form knocked her unconscious. The two toppled over and landed only a few feet from Zelda’s luminous prison. The dome quickly expanded and engulfed both Darunia and Nabooru.

Nabooru lay utterly still, but Darunia, tough as he was, leapt immediately to his feet. His two enormous fists crashed against the walls of Zelda’s dome. Though strong enough to take down a mountainside, his pounding did nothing more than send a ripple of light over the dome’s surface.

Zelda turned slowly, facing her last opponent.

Impa was staring at Zelda in horror. This couldn’t be her Zelda. It couldn’t be…

“Zelda,” Impa pleaded, hoping to reach her. Even though she had been planning for this possibility all along, she was finding it harder than she ever imagined to face Zelda like this. “Listen to me.”

“I don’t need to hear anything you have to say,” Zelda replied, “I know who you are. Marth told me all about you! I will not let you destroy Aritia!”

“We have not come here to destroy Aritia,” Impa assured her. “We have come to take you home.”

“I am home,” Zelda exclaimed. “Aritia is my home. The Master Sword is back in our hands now and soon we will have the power to save our world. You cannot stop us.”

Impa was taking in Zelda’s words, trying desperately to understand the situation.

“The Master Sword belongs in Hyrule, as you do, Princess. You must listen to me, you must remember!”

“Stop it!” Zelda cried. “Enough lies!”

With lightning speed Zelda flew at Impa, but Impa was prepared. She had taught Zelda all she knew. Zelda had never once bested her, and Impa was confident in her victory. Soon the Princess would be under control and they could find some way to bring her back. They had to bring her back. The thought of losing her was almost too much to take.

Impa fought back, but it proved to be a much harder battle than she had expected. Zelda’s moves were quicker than before. Her intuition was keener. She seemed to anticipate Impa’s moves before she made them. Her sword slashes were made with greater strength and precision than ever before.

Quickly, an ominous feeling began to grow within Impa. All at once her fears had been brought to life.

She tried besting Zelda with the blade, but with no avail, so she resorted to her more subtle Sheika roots. She only needed to get close enough for just an instant.

This proved harder said than done, however. Zelda was moving unceasingly. Vanishing from where she stood Zelda appeared without warning beside Impa, coming at her with a flying kick. Impa countered it quickly by vanishing in midair and reappearing behind Zelda. As quickly as possible she reached out her hand just in time to grab hold of Zelda’s wrist. It was all she needed.

Once in contact with Zelda, Impa’s mind immediately assaulted the Princess’s. She had to get inside, to see what was truly happening. Impa’s immediate thought was that this was not Zelda’s mind. The mind she was now attempting with great difficulty to penetrate was guarded and completely closed. Zelda had always protected her mind greatly, never letting too much out in the open. Impa knew that Zelda was a protective and somewhat shielded person, but this?

Within her mind Impa could sense another presence, something entirely separate from Zelda’s being. This presence was overpowering, as though the mind she was in no longer belonged to Zelda at all.

A cry of anguish emanated from Zelda’s lips. Her eyes slammed shut, her face contorting in pain. She screamed out as though she were being tortured.

Impa was relentless, though. Whatever it was that had shut Zelda away and taken over within her had to be penetrated, and ultimately cast out. This Impa knew instantly. And so despite Zelda’s screams of agony, Impa continued to push her way into Zelda’s very being.

“Leave us!” a voice from within Zelda suddenly shouted into Impa’s subconscious.

Impa tightened her grip on Zelda’s wrist, fighting only harder to break the barrier that had been cast around Zelda’s mind. Zelda’s body began to crumple; she fell to the ground, cries still streaming from her, tears of pain running down her cheeks.

“Stop!” she shrieked, “Leave me!”

“Leave us!” the voice shouted once more. A force seemed to hit Impa, knocking her back a few steps, but she refused to let go. Zelda was still inside somewhere… she could feel her. Scenes from Zelda’s life began to flash in and out of focus all around her, coming out then quickly being concealed once more, as though being snatched away protectively from some invisible force.

“Zelda!” Impa cried. “Listen to me!”

“Leave me!” Zelda screamed, her free hand clutching her head. Her mind had gone suddenly dark. She could feel a strange presence, attacking her from within. Her head felt as though it would burst. She felt a great battle waging in her head- as though thousands of knives were stabbing her mind continuously, pounding against her skull unbearably.

“Leave us!” the voice shouted. Impa’s grip was loosening drastically. Darkness was closing in around her, though fractured bits of Zelda’s memory continued to flash before her.

Zelda shrieked once more. She could endure the suffering no longer. If it didn’t stop her body would simply burst from the strain. Slowly her free hand made its way to her wrist where Impa was holding on.

“Leave us!” the voice shouted at Impa, hitting her like a wave, knocking her off balance and leaving her dizzy and disoriented.

“Leave me, now!” Zelda screeched, wrenching Impa’s hand from her wrist and pushing Impa away. Impa, reeling from what she had seen, wobbled and toppled over as Zelda’s power overcame her.

Zelda’s body crumpled, her arms wrapping around herself as though for protection. She fell sharply to the ground, her entire body shaking, breathless and gasping painfully for air.

Impa stood, swaying on the spot. The power that had hit her had been of such incredible magnitude- like nothing she had ever felt. She was too horrified, however, by what she know knew to dwell on her physical pain.

Panting and trembling Zelda shot to her feet, looking slightly unsteady. She was gazing at Impa in anger- anger born of fear for this threatening, dangerous attacker that stood before her.

“Princess, what have you done?” Impa gasped finally.

Zelda did not reply. She seemed to have steadied herself and now she attacked with new fury. Impa was so dazed and disturbed by her newfound information she was thrown completely off guard. Unable to concentrate her moves became sloppy and erratic.

Zelda soon caught her with a blow to the side. Impa staggered slightly then vanished, reappearing nearby. She tried to go on the offensive but Zelda was too quick. Everything Impa hurled at her Zelda countered and Impa was finding it increasingly difficult to defend herself from Zelda’s attacks.

A magic blast hit her on the back. Zelda caught her with a low kick, bringing her legs out from under her. The more she fought the more Impa realized she didn’t have it in her to hurt Zelda, no matter what the circumstances. Even so, she thought, she didn’t know whether she was strong enough. Zelda was wielding more power than Impa had ever felt in her.

It wasn’t long before Impa, too, was thrust into the cage of light, beaten, bruised and shaken down to her core.

Once satisfied that they were contained, Zelda stood for a moment, gasping for air and shaking terribly. Finally she turned and ran through the crowd of soldiers, vanishing from view.

“Princess, no!” Impa screamed, lunging at the glowing wall between herself and Zelda only to be thrust backward onto the ground.

“Impa!” Ruto rushed to her side. “What’s going on here? What’s the matter with her?”

“She’s using the Triforce,” Impa sighed.

“What?” Nabooru gasped. She had finally come around, though she was holding her head in pain. “I thought that wasn’t allowed. Only Ganondorf used his Triforce to give himself power. I thought that Link and Zelda were only to keep them safe! Now they’ve both violated that command?”

“Zelda isn’t herself,” Impa started.

“Well that’s obvious!” Ruto replied cynically, sitting up and holding her head as well. Saria put a hand behind her back to steady her.

“I touched her,” Impa continued, unruffled. “I saw into her mind. She is using the Triforce.”

“That’s not possible. She wouldn’t,” Ruto stammered.

Impa looked at her sternly. She turned and raised her arms. With all her power she tried to dispel the barrier that encased them. All she managed to do was cause the dome to grow in brightness. Though she strained and fought with all of her might she could not overwhelm Zelda’s magic. Finally, in defeat, she fell to her knees, panting, all strength drained from her body.

“She’s more powerful than anyone could imagine,” she sighed between gasps of breath. “The only one strong enough to stop her is-“ she stopped suddenly.

“Who?” Darunia pressed.

“Link,” Impa finished. “If he will fight her.”

No one looked too heartened by that news.

“First Link, and now Zelda? Why would they do this?” Nabooru shook her head. “I can’t understand it. They know the risk. Why would Link be so careless, and, I mean I simply can’t believe that’s our Zelda.”

“It is her,” Impa sighed.

“Why has she forgotten us?” Darunia asked.

“Yeah,” Nabooru asked, her brow furrowed. “Sure they might forget what happened to them once we changed the past, but Zelda has known all of us on this path too. She knows Link, even if she can’t remember what they once did together. I just don’t understand!”

“It doesn’t make any sense,” Ruto shook her head.

“Yes, it does,” Impa sighed, looking terribly distraught. “I taught her everything she knows. I know what is wrong with her… and it is my fault.”

The Sages stared at her intently, no one speaking.

“I taught her how to do it… I never thought this would result from it,” she spoke almost to herself, regret echoing in her voice. She turned back to the Sages. “I taught her the ways of the Sheika. I taught her to manipulate magic. I taught her to fight with the skill and precision of a finely tuned instrument. I taught her to control her mind, to create illusions, to manipulate memories, to erase memories. I gave her the skills to destroy herself, then I left her alone to do so.” Impa was wracked with remorse. Frustration and sadness rang through her speech.

“What do you mean, Impa? You wouldn’t do that?” Nabooru spoke out.

“I did! I knew she was unhappy. I knew she was lonely. I knew she was plagued by the memories of her past and I knew that she was beginning to forget. I couldn’t see it though. It was right before my eyes and I couldn’t see it.

“She began to forget as the paths of time crossed and our path was slowly erased by this new time. Her memories began fading. It happened to Link too, he admitted it to me. He has fought it, though. With all of his power he has fought to hold on. Zelda, on the other hand, fought it at first, but I believe as time went on she subconsciously began to enjoy her forgetfulness. Like a blind fool I taught her Sheika mind tricks. I don’t think she ever realized what she was doing to herself, but I saw it clearly in her mind when I touched her. She began to lose sight of what the Triforce really is, as did Link. They are powerful magical weapons, more powerful than I believe anyone truly knows. To hold such power for so long… it is no wonder the call of the Triforce finally was heeded, by both of them.

“The call of the Triforce?” Saria queried.

“Ganondorf’s Triforce, the Triforce of Power has been awakened now for a total of fourteen years, for we had lived the past seven years twice now. Imagine it- over a decade of the most powerful magical object ever created residing in your body.

“The Triforce was not meant to be three. It was meant to be one. The pieces call to one another. Link told us, remember, what the pieces did when they were drawn near to one another in Ganondorf’s castle during the final battle. Link said that he could feel his Triforce resonating, coming to life within him- calling out to the other pieces.

“The Triforce came so very close to becoming whole once more, and then the pieces were torn from each other’s presence once more. They did not rest though. They continued to call, and when it became apparent that they could not call one another, they began to call their protectors- Link and Zelda.” Impa was speaking with a slightly glazed expression, and though these words were not her own. “At first they were ignored. Link and the Princess knew what was within them and kept the voices weak and at bay, but as their pasts began to fade the calls only grew louder. Unhampered by their holders the Triforce of Wisdom and the Triforce of Courage worked tirelessly to be awakened- to once more gain the power to reunite.

“Preying on their loneliness and sorrow, the Triforce pieces slowly began to awaken. It is too much power- too much power to keep bottled up within. No one can withstand it. Link and Zelda never stood a chance.

“And so, armed with the Triforce, Zelda began to systematically and selectively erase her own memory, or, the Triforce did it for her. They have become oddly protective of their hosts,” Impa’s voice grew quite and pensive, as though dwelling on these words, “very protective….” Her voice faded, her expression both worried and thoughtful.

“Impa!” Nabooru finally said loudly. “Don’t go all Sheika on us over there! Tell us what happened!”

“Using Zelda’s abilities the Triforce erased all memories of us,” Impa finished quickly, her voice strong once more. “It erased all memories of Link, of her past and ultimately of Hyrule itself. They have created a new reality for themselves, an illusion only they can see.”

“They?” Ruto’s eyes narrowed suspiciously.

“They are one,” Impa replied in a foreboding voice, “The Triforce and the Princess, the Triforce and the Hero, just as it was with the Triforce and the Dark Lord.”

Impa’s voice faded ominously, and for a moment a tense silence reigned, until Darunia finally spoke.

“Why?” he questioned. “Why would the Triforce do such a thing to her? And why hasn’t brother Link forgotten?”

“As I said before, she was miserable after she sent us back to this time. She sacrificed everything to save Hyrule and was left with only a life of misery as payment. I knew she was unhappy, yet I never did enough to help her. The Triforce has dulled the pain for her. All Link has is his memories of the past, and so he never wanted to let them go. He had to fight hard to keep them, but he has, for the most part.” Impa’s voice faded.

The only sound now was that of the battle raging around them. Impa stood still for a moment and then, without warning, threw herself at the barrier with all of her might, fighting to be set free.

“This is all my fault!” she screamed as she pounded on the solid wall of light.

“Pardon me, but most of this seems out of your control. How could you know this would happen?” Nabooru shot out.

Impa had no reply, but stared angrily down at the ground.

“If the closing of the path began erasing her memories, why haven’t we forgotten too,” Nabooru asked, still trying to make sense of the situation.

“We have spent much of our time in the Sacred Realm where time is inconsequential and our memories stayed well preserved,” Impa’s voice was now tense and agitated. “As I said, Link himself admitted to losing some of his memories, but he said he fought it. He kept his memories alive through his own will.

“Zelda let them go and in the end aided in their destruction. In her mind, this truly is her home and we are her enemies.”

“Are you sure about all this?” Ruto asked skeptically.

“Completely,” Impa replied emphatically. “I once delved into her conscious and created a new reality for her. I shut Zelda away and brought Sheik to life. Now she has done it to herself… it was her only defense. She has no memory of her past, so she doesn’t understand the risk she is taking by wielding the Triforce as a weapon. She doesn’t understand the dangerous line she is walking.

“I know her mind, Ruto. I know what the Triforce has done…” Impa sunk to the ground in defeat, her back against the barrier, “and there is nothing I can do to stop it.”
Alright, it's finally here!!! This is the beginning of the fight you've been waiting for, and I only hope it satisfies. I started writing this story a year ago this month. I wrote the first chapter and a bunch of stuff that would become this chapter and the next two after it. So, these 3 chapters have been a long time in the making. I've changed some stuff, made come modifications, but for the most part, I wrote this a year ago! I'm very excited to finally be posting it!!! Here we go!

I understand that at this point I really start taking a different (darker) view of the Triforce than I think I've ever seen before. I'm gonna write some crazy stuff... Just to warn ya ;P
© 2006 - 2024 CallistoHime
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ZeldaWolfPrincess's avatar
Awsome story
poor Link\Zelda|Impa ecc.
Marth sucks