
Time Cannot Erase Chapter 26

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

We were drawn from the weeds
We were brave like soldiers
Falling down under the pale moonlight
You were holding to me
Like a someone broken
And I couldn't tell you but I'm telling you now

Now it's cold and we're scared
And we've both been shaken
Look at us
This doesn't need to be the end

Just let me hold you while you're falling apart
Just let me hold you and we'll both fall down

I'll be there for you and you'll be there for me
Forever it's you
Forever in me
~Rob Thomas “Ever the Same”

Chapter 26
We Both Fall Apart

“They’re falling apart, Sire,” the soldier held a spyglass to his eye, peering into the distance towards Marth’s army. “They can’t even hold ranks! They’re fighting amongst themselves. Marth himself is engaged in a squabble.”

Hardin sat atop his massive stallion, sneering and giving a short barking laugh. “What did I tell you? Aritia is crumbling on its own. We’re simply here to see that it happens sooner rather than later. Cornelius was a pitiful ruler at best, but his son isn’t worthy to wipe the mud from my boots.” This comment elicited a wave of rough laughter from the soldiers surrounding Hardin.

The setting sun had left the world blazing in shades of orange and red: menacing and foreboding. Hardin’s men had been marching for days and had been waiting weeks, even months for this moment. They wanted to attack- to destroy Aritia once and for all: to be done with it and finally return home.

They had waited so long. It had been months ago that they had invaded Aritia, and even then it was clear that their victory was inevitable. There had even been a month long stretch when they had been almost certain that Marth, Aritia’s foolhardy young prince had been killed in battle. Even then, however, Hardin had forced them to hold back: bide their time, build up their army, and wait until the moment was right. They had pushed every last Aritian further and further into the interior, finally driving them all to the castle.

This was it. They had no where to go. They were outnumbered. They were under equipped. They were helpless. Compared to Hardin’s forces, there was simply no possibility that Aritia would survive. Soon, they would all be dead. They simply awaited their Master’s command.

“Sire, shall we move now?” The captain inquired.

“Not yet,” Hardin replied. Hardin looked every bit like royalty. He had a broad chin and thick dark eyebrows over his olive skin. He was not particularly large, but neither was he small. No bulk was in his chest, no large muscles in his arms. Heavy labor was obviously not a part of his life.

He was a thinker, a master of strategy: not a warrior. His eyes were dark and showed his shrewdness, his coldness, his cunning. His voice was as oily and smooth as his skin. He carried himself with dignity, poise, even arrogance. A kingly air surrounded him. He spoke with precision, with absoluteness. When he spoke, his men obeyed.

“Wait a moment more. When the time is right, we will move. Aritia will fall. I did not get the honor of personally dethroning Cornelius, but I am looking forward to meeting his son with great anticipation.”

A small titter rang through the crowd as malevolent glances were cast from soldier to soldier.

“A new empire will rise this day,” Hardin proclaimed, his voice growing lower and more sinister with every word. “Aritia will be nothing more but a memory. Marth will die, by my hand. He will suffer and he will die… but we must not be hasty,” he added in a silky smooth voice laced in poison.

And so they sat. Across the plains they could see a great commotion stirring in Marth’s army.

“Marth is down, Sire!” the captain proclaimed, gazing through his spyglass once more. “They aren’t even paying attention anymore. They’re sitting ducks!”

“Leave none alive!” Hardin shouted suddenly. “We will burn their castle to the ground! Destroy everything in your path! Not a single brick will be left standing! Kill them all!” he bellowed madly, raising his sword above his head it flashed, burning with a red light. “Move out.”

The officers around him exchanged triumphant grins. Hardin spurred his horse and set off across the field, followed immediately by the rest of his company. They walked slowly at first, but soon Hardin was moving at a trot, and then all at once he kicked his horse and his entire army was charging at breakneck speed, growing closer with every moment to Marth’s army.

“Get behind me!” Link commanded, pushing Zelda back and stepping in front of her. Ganondorf was still filling the air with his grating laughter.

“I always knew I would be freed one day,” he boomed, stepping up out of the crater, a twisted smile on his face, his black eyes shining maliciously, “but I never thought that it would happen like this!” With every thundering stomp he was growing closer to them. The smile on his face was slowly becoming a sneer. His features were contorting, giving him a hungry, threatening look.

“I really must thank you, Princess!” he thundered, now full of searing sarcasm. He was very close now, and Zelda slowly drew her sword, her heart beating painfully in her throat. This only brought further cruel laughter from Ganondorf as he too raised his sword: his massive black weapon that was over four feet long and incredibly thick with a sharp, jagged edge that was stained with blood.

“Not only have you set me free, you have led me to the very person I most wanted to see! And now,” he bellowed, his eyes fixing on Link, loathing beyond measure filling him, “YOU DIE!”

At that moment Hardin’s army came upon them and chaos broke loose.

Suddenly the world had gone mad. Deafening screams rent the air. Hardin’s men were ruthless, taking out as many soldiers as possible while pushing forward to the castle.

“Fire!” a voice rang out and a stream of flaming arrows filled the sky. Zelda looked up in horror as the castle was bombarded. “Fire!” the call rang out once more.

Ganondorf looked around at the madness that surrounded him with indifference. He had one target and one alone. He leapt at Link, eyes blazing, a cry of rage exploding from him. Link braced himself, gripped his sword, and waited, but the Sages leapt in the way.

Impa’s sword caught Ganondorf’s and diverted its blow. Ganondorf stumbled backward, unprepared for this interference, but his shock wore off very quickly. When Nabooru and Impa rushed at him, swords blazing, he was ready.

Nabooru came at him on the left, and Ganondorf’s sword flashed. The power of his blow shattered Nabooru’s sword and she was sent flying to the ground. Impa came at him on the right and he diverted her blow just as easily. When the two of them staggered to their feet and rushed at him in unison he swung his blade once more and a wave of black energy shot from it, hitting them both. Nabooru screamed and Impa groaned and the two of them slammed back against the earth, skin singed, unmoving.

With a great bellow of rage Darunia rushed at Ganondorf, but Ganondorf simply stretched out his hand and a stream of black lightning flew from his fingers. It hit Darunia and at first it appeared as though it would have no effect, but even Darunia’s thick skin was no match for Ganondorf’s evil. He held his ground for a moment, but he too was finally sent backward. His massive body hit a nearby rock wall and it crumbled into bits. Even then it looked as though he may have been able to withstand it, but then one of the larger falling chunks of rock landed with a sickening CRACK on his relatively soft skull. Darunia took a few staggering steps and then fell to the ground, causing a small earthquake.

Ganondorf turned back to Link, only to find Ruto and Saria still shielding him. Ganondorf laughed once more, wicked amusement gleaming in his eye. Ruto knew she was basically defenseless against such an enemy, but that did not stop her. She ran at him, blades flashing, but he stretched out his hand and with a blaze of black lightning he shot her out of the way.

“Stay away from him!” Saria shrieked, throwing herself in front of Link. Link rushed to her aide, but he was not quick enough. Ganondorf turned on her brutally, stretching out his arms once more.

Bravely, she stood her ground. She had no weapon. All she could do was summon her remaining power as a Sage and create a feeble shield around herself as Ganondorf’s blast flew at her, and she refused to be moved.

Zelda flew into action, vanishing and bursting back into view right beside Saria. Just as Ganondorf’s attack was about to hit her Zelda threw her arms around Saria, a bright shield materializing around them both. The beam of black light hit with incredible force and Zelda and Saria were knocked off their feet. Zelda kept a hold of Saria’s tiny body, softening the blow as they hit the ground.

Zelda lay motionless for a moment in shock.

“I will kill you all later!” she heard Ganondorf hiss. “Right now, all I want is him!”

“Zelda?” Saria was smiling weakly at the princess, grateful, hopeful and bewildered all at once.

“It’s all right, Saria,” Zelda replied, staggering to her feet. “I’m all right now.”

Saria just smiled, relief washing over her. Zelda had no time to rest, however. She looked around at Ganondorf who was hurtling himself at Link, his eyes on fire, his face twisted and grotesque.

Link gritted his teeth and awaited the blow, the Master Sword clutched in his hand.

Ganondorf and Link locked blades: instantly in furious battle. Ganondorf’s swipes were powerful enough to take out a brick wall, and Link was flying and leaping with lightning speed and deadly precision.

Suddenly this all seemed so familiar to Zelda. A horrible, terrifying sense of déjà vu overcame her. Ganondorf was out for blood. He would not rest until Link was dead, and the very thought was nearly crippling to her. She couldn’t let him die- not like this, not because of her.

A strangled cry escaped her lips as she once more disappeared and instantly rematerialized, this time in between Link and the Dark King.

“NO!” she screamed, her arms thrusting out in front of her, a ball of golden light materializing and the bursting out of her fingertips. The light thrust out and blocked Ganondorf’s attack, but he was undeterred. He threw himself at Link, but Zelda would not be moved from her position before him. She was determined to protect him. Her arms unfurled and a shield of blue light burst around herself and Link, completely enclosing them like a massive, shimmering crystal.

Ganondorf lunged at her, sword blazing. His massive, black blade hit the shield that surrounded Link and herself. As the sword hit the shield sparks flew and the power of the blow made Zelda shake as though the sword had hit her. She cried out, but would not relent.

“ZELDA!” Link bellowed. “GET OUT OF HERE!”

“NO!” she screamed back. “NO!”

Blow after blow came from Ganondorf. With every hit to her force field Zelda cried out as her very life was drained from her with the effort of keeping Ganondorf at bay. Soon she was gasping for breath, her body trembling uncontrollably, barely able to keep her feet. She swayed slightly, her eyes taking on an odd, glazed look- but still she stood between them, her arms outstretched, unwilling to move.

“ZELDA!” Link cried in desperation. He grabbed her shoulders and tried to push her out of the way, but it was as if were made of stone; her feet bolted to the ground. She was completely immovable.

“If you move,” Ganondorf said darkly, his blade calming for a moment, “I will make your death quick and painless. Right now, I only want the kid. If you try my patience any further, Princess,” he hissed the last word with contempt, “I will make no promises. Now, MOVE!”

“NO!” she screamed back. Though her body seemed to be crumbling before their eyes her voice was strong. “I WOULD RATHER DIE! YOU WILL NOT TOUCH HIM!”

The situation was maddening for Link, but he was powerless to stop it. The barrier she had created completely enclosed him. He could not break free. He could not move her. He could do nothing.

All he could do was watch as once more, with a cry of rage, Ganondorf’s sword swung high and came down on the shield. Sparks flew once more as both Zelda and her shield gave a shudder. Ganondorf sent a storming beam of black energy at them now. The blast hit with terrifying force, and the shield sputtered slightly, its brightness dimming momentarily.

Once more the black sword came down, and finally the shield exploded: shattering completely. Zelda fell to the ground, ravaged and unmoving.

Ganondorf laughed once more: cold and wicked laughter. Link looked down at Zelda. Her body was still, her eyes were half closed and her breathing shallow. Her face was bruised and her body beaten. Link looked at her, and madness took him.

Link flew into an infuriated rage. He stood, glaring at Ganondorf with pure hatred in every line of his body, and then he struck: leaping at Ganondorf without hesitation. The Master Sword flashed, slicing, hacking, and thrusting almost chaotically. All thought had left Link. He didn’t think about magic. He didn’t bother with arrows. He didn’t even consider his own protection. Blinding fury had overtaken him and he didn’t care anymore.

He wanted to hurt Ganondorf- to kill him- and he didn’t mind how he did it. He pushed forward, roaring and screaming with every enraged step, his sword unceasing. But Ganondorf blocked every blow. In his wrath Link was sloppy and careless. His sweeps were too broad; his thrusts leaving him open for too long.

Ganondorf toyed with him for a moment, allowing his rage to boil over, and then he attacked. His sword came down upon Link. Link blocked clumsily, and it saved him once, but it wouldn’t work twice. With a second blow the Master Sword was knocked from his hand, flying away, landing helplessly on the ground.

Link barely seemed to notice. Weaponless, he hurtled himself at Ganondorf, but the Dark King stretched out his hand and hit Link with a blast of dark energy. Link sprawled to the ground, but immediately tried to get to his feet. Ganondorf hit him again. Then again, and again. Over and over Ganondorf threw blasts at Link and Link’s helpless body was hurtled over and over, toppling to the ground, lurching in pain and screaming out in agony: then finally coming to rest.

“So this is the great Hero of Time,” Ganondorf mocked, “lying face-down in the mud?”

Link’s blood began to boil as he gazed up from the ground. He had no sword, but he was not without a weapon.

Eyes blazing he shot from the ground, his hands outstretched. A pure green light shot from his fingers, hitting Ganondorf, but without effect. A black shield sprung effortlessly around his body, repelling Link’s attack.

“So you have awakened the Triforce of Courage!” he spoke almost triumphantly, then his expression grew threatening. “You think you can use it against me?! You think you can wield this power?! FOOL!” he barked. “I told you once that this toy was too much for the likes of you, or that pitiful princess,” he jerked his head toward Zelda's fallen body.

Link’s rage increased, and with it he could feel his power growing. The light flowing from his hands began to glow brighter, hitting Ganondorf with greater intensity. An enraged bellow flew from Link now. His arms were shaking with the force of holding up his attack. He could feel it, though: the power of the Triforce flowing through him.

“You are no match for my power!” Ganondorf screamed suddenly, and his black shield seemed to come to life, speeding like a rushing wind away from his body. Link’s attack suddenly bounced off of the black barrier, flying back towards Link. It hit him and he staggered, but kept his feet, until, like a black shroud Ganondorf’s power enveloped Link.

Every bit of his being was suddenly on fire. Link flew backward, hitting the ground once more. He tried to shake it off, but before he could stand another blast overcame his body and he was submerged in blinding, excruciating pain. His body jerked violently, then slammed back the ground, barely giving him time to breath before the next jolt hit him. Then the next. Then the next.

Link could barely breathe. Every desperate gasp of air was agonizing to intake. He lay in the dirt, his body quivering, bruised and smattered with blood. He felt sure that every bone in his body was shattered.

Slowly, excruciatingly, he shifted his weight and attempted to push himself up with his arms. His body shuddered, his arms wobbled, and just when it looked as though he might get to his feet Ganondorf stretched forth his hand and a black beam shot out. It hit Link in the stomach, and he was sent flying another ten feet, landing with a THUD, rolling over once or twice in the dirt.

Zelda’s eyes opened. She placed a hand on her forehead, trying to steady herself, gazing around as though in a daze. Then she saw Link laying a few feet away, and her mind cleared.

Link’s head was swimming. Every inch of his body throbbed. A deep gash on his head was pouring blood down his face profusely. A few of his ribs felt as though they had cracked, sending a shooting pain throughout his body.

A violent cough shook through him, blood spurting from his mouth. He staggered to his feet, swaying and rocking so badly it looked as though he may fall once more. His eyes would not focus. His head would not stop spinning. He couldn’t see, he couldn’t think. It was all he could do to keep his feet. Stunned, he stood with his back to Ganondorf, momentarily unaware of what was truly happening.

Ganondorf made a few quick strides, standing behind Link with an evil grin. He pulled out his sword and his arm cocked back.

Link’s shock was the opportunity Ganondorf needed. Zelda’s head rose from the dirt. Link’s back was to Ganondorf. Link was holding his head, bleeding and swaying and bewildered.

Zelda propped herself up on her arms, watching in horror as Ganondorf closed in on Link.

“DIE!” Ganondorf bellowed, and his arm thrust forward, his sword flashing, speeding for the center of Link’s back. Link didn’t even have time to turn. He was completely and utterly exposed, and Ganondorf’s aim was true.

Zelda screamed- a scream that was cut short as lunged from the ground, her body colliding with Link’s, shielding him. She threw herself over him, putting her own body in the path of the sword. Link’s feet left the ground and the two of them began to fall. She tried with every bit of her remaining strength to summon a barrier around herself. Momentarily, a shield of dim light glowed about her, but it was feeble to say the least. It sputtered and faded even as she awaited the blow.

She had nothing left to save them, no power remaining, no strength left in her. She had nothing- nothing but her own battered body.

The blade drew ever closer, the whole of Zelda’s back totally exposed before it. The sword was headed strait for her, and she knew it.

She was going to die. She was prepared to die.

For him, she would do anything- but Link threw his weight against hers. In midair they turned, as though in slow motion. Zelda could feet Link’s body thrusting, her arms wrapped around him, her body against his back.

The blade hit the waning barrier Zelda had cast and the blackness of Ganondorf’s power shattered it easily. His sword entered Zelda’s arm, but as Link’s body turned beneath her she spun, and the blade cut a deep, circular gash in her arm from back to front. She didn’t cry out, she simply held onto Link’s body, willing him to stop turning, but he didn’t.

Ganondorf’s sword entered Link’s left side, and as his body turned the blade entered deeper, cutting Link lengthwise across the stomach, from side to side.

Link didn’t scream. He couldn’t scream. He couldn’t breathe. One excruciating, rattling intake of air was all he could manage before his lungs seized up. For what seemed an eternity the two clung to each other, hovering in midair, falling slowly- and then they hit the ground.

Blinding pain took over. He could see nothing. He could feel nothing, and yet every moment was complete and utter agony. Still he gasped for breath, but breath would not come.

Zelda gasped as Link’s body fell upon hers, slamming her into the ground. For a moment the world went dark.

“NOOOOOOOO!” the anguished cry rent the sky. The entire earth seemed to have frozen. Battle stopped in an instant. Every soldier was motionless. Elice had ceased breathing and was holding onto Roy’s arm, her nails digging into his skin so tightly she was drawing blood.

Roy didn’t even notice. He was clenching his sword with both hands, his eyes fixed, horrified at what he had just witnessed.

Silence fell, so heavy and dark it was suffocating: agonizing silence.

Then Ganondorf’s twisted face broke into a grin, more filled with evil than any expression of fury could ever hold. He held his blood soaked sword above his head, a cry of triumph escaping his lips. Then he laughed. Standing over the body of the fallen Hero of Time the King of Darkness laughed, reveling in his malevolence.

“NOOOOOOOO!” once more Marth screamed into the night. Marth had extricated himself from the furious battle. He held his sword high, his bloody face contorted with rage.

“YOU KILLED HIM!” Marth bellowed, his body shaking, his eyes full of grief and anger. His blade was glowing with a golden light, a lone beacon in the darkness. “YOU KILLED HIM, YOU SON OF A-“ swearing venomously Marth threw himself at Ganondorf, sword blazing.

All at once Elice snapped out of her trance. Eyes flaming, she screamed: a cry of rage. She picked up her quiver in one hand and a sword in the other and rushed at Ganondorf, standing at her brother’s side. Roy didn’t lose another instant. With an enraged yell he too leapt into battle- and then Marth’s army came to life.

With a battle cry that shook the earth every one of Marth’s remaining soldiers rushed forward, magic blazing, swords clashing and attacks flying. Hardin’s troops looked around in confusion.

Bursts of light and energy streamed from the Falchion Blade, flying at Ganondorf ceaselessly. Roy’s sword was continuously exploding with beams of energy. Elice’s arrows flew through the air in swarms. Tears were streaming down her face, though her eyes were filled with hatred.

The army encircled Ganondorf, and though he continually shot beams of black magic at them, though his sword flashed madly (sending whole packs of soldiers flying with a single blow), though he was fighting with all the power he had, for the first time he looked worried.

Zelda didn’t want to open her eyes. She wanted to stay in the darkness, cloaked and sheltered from reality. She didn’t want to face it.

Her body felt warm and damp. Wetness was spreading over her: thick, hot wetness. She felt suddenly sick inside, unable to move.

With every ounce of courage she had left she opened her eyes, blinking. Link’s body was draped over her, and he was not moving. Slowly, painfully, she slid out from under his still form, dampness covering her. She looked down at herself: she was drenched in blood, but the horror barely registered.

It all seemed so unreal, as though she was detached from her body, watching from the outside. The nearby sounds of battle sounded faint and distant. She was alone now, with Link. There was nothing else.

She sat up, Link’s body rolling slightly onto his back. She softly positioned his head, cradling it on her lap, her fingers caressing his face, silent, hot tears welling in her eyes. Taking a deep breath that clenched in her chest, she looked at his body. A gash so deep it had nearly severed him in two ran across his chest, blood gushing from it freely.

She didn’t even flinch at the horrific sight. She felt numb; the world around her growing hazy.

“No,” she whispered. “No…. Link!” she spoke to him. “Wake up!” She ran a finger over his cheek and his eyelids fluttered. She felt her heart leap into her throat. His eyes opened slowly, blurrily.

“Lie still,” she said softly. “I will find help. I will heal you. You’ll be all right!” As she spoke her voice grew both quieter and more hysteric. His weight felt so completely dead and heavy upon her. The blood flowing from him was soaking the ground around them: glistening deep scarlet in the darkness of the moonless night.

Slowly his eyes closed and his head shook weakly. “No,” he whispered so softly that she could barely hear him.

“Yes,” she shot back defiantly. “You can’t leave me!” Tears spilled from her eyes, landing softly onto his face.

Link’s eyes closed once more. He took one shallow, rattling breath that sounded terribly painful.

“Why?!” Zelda nearly screamed. “Why did you do that?” Her voice suddenly shrank, growing low and tender. “I could have saved you. I would have saved you…”

A feeble smile graced Link’s lips. He opened his eyes, but they were not his eyes. They were dull and blank, sunken into his pale face. “That’s not how it works,” he gasped. Even as he spoke blood pooled in his mouth, trickling down his chin. “I save you.”

His eyes began to close. “No,” Zelda’s trembling voice pleaded. “NO!”

An agonizing pain was welling in her chest. She reached down and took his hand, limp and lifeless, and held it tightly in her own.

“I got what I wanted,” Link wheezed, his voice barely audible. An oddly serene expression washed over his face. Zelda bent low to hear him, the pain in her chest swelling. “Finally…. You- you’re safe. That’s all… I wanted… all I ever…”

Link’s head sank: dead weight in her lap. His body seemed to grow heavy and cold, his face paling, as his chest fell once more, breath escaping him, and it did not rise again.

The horrible pain in Zelda’s chest burst. It felt as though her heart had been wrenched from her body. She couldn’t breathe. She couldn’t think. It was like drowning in a nightmare. She knew it couldn’t be happening, but she couldn’t escape it. It was too horrifying to even make her cry out or scream or shed a tear.

This simply could not be.

Her reddening eyes looked down upon him. Numbly, her fingers ran across his forehead, touching a lock of hair. He felt cold. Rigid. Dead.

At once reality struck. Link was gone, and he could not come back for her this time. This time, he was truly gone.

For a moment she felt nothing. She was empty inside. Her eyes darted frantically as though looking for aid: something, anything that could stop this. Slowly loneliness, deep and suffocating, began to fill the void in her body. The shredded pieces of her shattered heart began to throb inside her. Pain welled within her, overflowing all at once; consuming her.

“No,” she whispered, her body beginning to shake.

“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” Her anguished wail sent a chill into the heart of all who heard it. It was a sound so tortured, so sincere, so heartbreaking: the sound of pure, unadulterated pain. Her head cocked back, facing the sky, her eyes shut tight, tears spilling from them freely.

She screamed. Long and agonizingly, she screamed. Her body shook violently with sobs. Every inch of her seared with pain.

All battle ceased. Every heart stopped, every head turned, every eye fell upon the figure of the Princess who was screaming as though she were on fire. Even Ganondorf stopped, his gleaming eyes falling upon her. A smile, twisted and menacing, broke over his face: a smile of triumph.

“Your Hero is dead!” he boasted with a laugh.

Marth could not move. His body went rigid. His fingers could no longer grasp the hilt of his sword. Slowly the blade slipped from his hand, landing on the ground with a thump. “No,” a hoarse whisper was all he could muster. He looked across the chaos at Zelda weeping over the fallen warrior: his friend.

Marth blinked. His heart clenched and a single tear running down his cheek. He had never felt such an emptiness before: such guilt, such remorse. He attempted one staggering step towards the Princess and Link, but his knees buckled beneath him.

Zelda opened her eyes and looked into Link’s lifeless face and she burst. With a violent lunge Zelda’s hands grasped Link’s shirt, shaking him. “Wake up!” she shrieked. “Wake up!” her voice dissolved, small and frightened.

Link did not awaken. Slowly her hands let go of him. Her eyes were now terrified. She gazed down at her hands as they slowly rose from Link’s body. Entranced, she stared at her crimson hands covered in his blood.

With a frightened yelp she jumped back, his head falling from her lap. She rubbed her hands upon her legs, but it was hopeless. The blood remained.

She gazed around frantically, her eyes coming to rest on the castle towering above her: being engulfed in flames. The blood-red light of the fire shone down upon her, burning her eyes. The heat of the flames hit her face. The flames danced, jumped out at her- threatening and malevolent they lunged at her like scorching fingers tearing at her, biting her flesh.

She couldn’t escape the flames of the castle. She couldn’t escape the reality that lay before her on the ground. It was no longer simply a dream. It was not only her father she had lost….

With one final wail she collapsed over Link’s body, resting her head upon his ravaged chest, gripping the cloth of his tunic, not letting go, sobs wracking her body. Her hands clenched. She would not ever let go.

Zelda’s voice rang in Impa’s ears. Barely conscious she pushed herself to her feet. Zelda was in need. Impa turned and stopped dead in her tracks. What she saw nearly destroyed her. Zelda weeping over Link’s body…. Link… dead?

Link’s ravaged form lay crumpled on the ground in a pool of his own blood. The sight made Impa’s heart stop. Her blood ran cold.

Impa had not cried in many years- not since the day that Zelda’s mother had died. Tears did not suit Impa. She was too practical, too strong. When something bad happened she would not dwell on tears, she would find a solution- but there was no solution here. There was nothing she could do. She was too late… and now Link was gone, and Impa wept.

Saria slowly made her way to Impa’s side. Her tiny hand touched Impa’s arm, and instantly Impa was on her knees, holding Saria, both of them weeping and holding onto each other as if they might crumble without the support.

Zelda kept her eyes closed, feeling Link’s soft material between her fingers, the waning warmth of his body beneath her head. Her tears fell upon him. She would not let go.

But suddenly she felt him slipping. Her head seemed to be slowing sinking. The cloth held tightly in her hands seemed to be dissolving. She opened her eyes frantically. To her infinite horror Link’s body was vanishing from beneath her. His skin was slowly becoming translucent, emitting a golden glow.

She could feel herself sinking as his bulk disappeared. She clutched at him desperately, but her hands went through him. He was so faint now that she could barely see him. She was growing frantic, but she could do nothing. The light emanating from Link’s chest continued to grow as his body continued to fade.

In an instant he was gone, leaving nothing but the glowing light in his wake. Zelda knelt in the wet dirt, her hands grasping at the air in front of her desperately. Slowly her arms fell to her sides. She stared into the center of the light, entranced. The light seemed to swell and then diminish, and then Zelda could see what the light was radiating from. The gleaming Triforce was hovering in the spot where Link’s body had once lain.

Marth could not believe his eyes. Impa gasped. Roy and Elice were frozen in shock. Ganondorf’s eyes burst open wide with greed. His arms flung madly, black light flying from him, soldiers flying in all direction as Ganondorf hurtled desperately towards the radiant, golden triangle.

“It’s mine!” he bellowed.

“No!” Marth shouted desperately, leaping before Ganondorf, but Ganondorf’s sword swung and Marth dodged, but not before Ganondorf could hit him in the chest with a powerful beam of black magic.

Marth sputtered and fell to the ground, Elice rushing to his side.

“Zelda, take the Triforce!” Impa shrieked suddenly.

Zelda stared at it: the Triforce of Courage, the Triforce entrusted to Link. This was his Triforce, released only with the spilling of his blood.

She didn’t want it. She didn’t want to touch it. It seemed suddenly a vile and dirty thing. She didn’t even want to look at it. It was only here because Link was… he was….

Then she realized that this Triforce was Link’s. It was a part of him: the only part of him that remained, and she would not let anyone take it from her.

“Take it,” a familiar, ominous voice sounded from within her.

Ganondorf was nearly upon her when her arms flung out with a jolt, her hands outstretched. Her fingers closed upon the Triforce and a light brighter than the noonday sun exploded around her. The light hit Ganondorf and with a roar he fell back.

Zelda felt incredible warmth enter her fingertips then shoot through her body. Power beyond anything she had ever experienced filled her veins and began to flow through her. Her tears ceased. Her resolve was set.

As quickly as it had appeared the light vanished, and there, standing tall and menacing, her body outlined in a faint glow against the gloom, was the Princess Zelda. In her eyes was fire. Her face was chiseled, cold, determined. A faint breeze stirred around her, whipping her long hair and causing her cape to billow behind her. Covered in blood from head to toe, she was a truly menacing figure. In her hand was the Master Sword, and glowing upon its back was the symbol of the Triforce, two thirds of it now alight.

She was a picture of strength: frightening to behold.

She stood still for a moment, her grief stricken eyes narrowed, staring down the Dark King.

Ganondorf stared back. Though his expression was filled with rage his power seemed to shrink in the Princess’s presence: his darkness eclipsed by her light.

Zelda raised her armored hand wielding the Legendary Sword, the gleaming silver blade pointed threateningly at Ganondorf as though calling him forth. Ganondorf stood his ground, assessing the situation.

Then Zelda stepped towards him: her threat solidified, calling him to battle.

“Are you sure this is wise, little princess?” Ganondorf spoke, though the rancorous sneer was gone from his voice. Though he remained calm, his voice had a slightly foreboding ring: almost imperceptible, but it was there, and Zelda could feel it. “Already your Hero is dead, and the last time we met I caught you as easily as a mouse in a trap,” with a violent cackle he held out his hands and a burst of energy flew towards her, enveloping her. The energy began to solidify, creating a crystal around her. Zelda did not move, did not even flinch.

She raised her arms and instantaneously the crystal around her shattered into miniscule shards like glass which fell harmlessly at her feet.

“I am not the same girl I once was,” she said in a hauntingly powerful voice. In her eyes was a void of sorrow ringed with a menacing strength. She took another step towards Ganondorf and his smile faded. “I am not afraid of you.”

“You should be, little mouse. There is no one left to save you now,” Ganondorf sneered.

“I do not need to be saved. All my life I have sat, waiting for someone to come and rescue me. No more!” she cried, her body shaking. “I am through being helpless. I am through waiting. I can save myself!”

Ganondorf laughed. “Foolish girl! You will die, as he did, and I will obtain the True Force,” he hissed. Zelda stared him down, unwavering. Ganondorf glared more deeply.

“DIE!” he shouted, leaping at her: and the battle began.
I was pondering whether to wait and post this chaper (as it is the last of the story I have written... I mean, I have nothing after this, so it's gonna be a while before another post, sorry! >.<;) but, I decided to be mean and leave you with a cliff hanger. If you're like me, you both love and hate a good cliff hanger :shakefist:

Oh, man I love the Rob Thomas song I used for this chapter! It fits SO well :heart: DL it if you haven't heard it ;)

I have to run before anyone reads what I've done here, because I fully expect much rage once you read this chapter. I am so dead :dead: I'm outta here! :sprint:

I've got a whole bunch of pics here that are illustrations from this chapter! Don't look till you're done with the chapter, cuz they have spoilers ;P

Check out this awesome picture by :iconlaxaio: [link] depicting one of the scenes in this chapter. I'm so glad she drew it :boogie:

And, also this one by :iconlinksage: It is very well done! [link]

And, I drew one too... [link]
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LoZFangirl1's avatar
No matter how many times I read this I still get chills.